
Our mission at Hui No Ho'oulu Ola is to create an inclusive Hawai’i where people with food allergies and diverse dietary needs feel safe and supported in their community. We achieve this through promoting education, raising awareness, and advocating for equitable access to healthy food options.

  • Hui No Ho'oulu, we believe in the power of youth voices to create positive change and foster inclusivity in schools. Our Youth Ambassador Program empowers students with food allergies to become advocates and leaders in their schools and communities, spreading awareness and promoting understanding about food allergies among their peers. Through training, mentorship, and resources, our Youth Ambassadors learn how to effectively educate others about food allergies, promote safe practices, and create a supportive environment for students with dietary restrictions. By empowering students to become advocates, we aim to promote inclusivity, reduce stigma, and create safer and more supportive school communities for all students.

    Join our Youth Ambassador Program and be a catalyst for change in your school!

    email info@hawaiifoodallergy.org for more information.

  • At Hui No Ho'oulu Ola, we are committed to creating safer and more inclusive environments for individuals with food allergies in schools and workplaces across Hawaii. Our comprehensive training programs empower educators, staff, and employees with the knowledge and skills needed to recognize, prevent, and respond to food allergies effectively. From understanding common allergens to implementing allergy-friendly practices, our training sessions are designed to enhance awareness, promote safety, and foster a culture of inclusivity.

    Contact us today to schedule a training session and take proactive steps towards building a safer and more supportive environment for everyone.

  • At Hui No Ho'oulu Ola, we believe that knowledge is the key to empowerment and support for individuals with food allergies and diverse dietary needs. Our educational workshops and seminars provide valuable information, practical tips, and resources to help individuals and families navigate the challenges of living with food allergies. From understanding allergens to learning how to read nutrition labels and make informed food choices, our workshops cover a range of topics aimed at promoting safety, wellness, and inclusivity. Whether you're newly diagnosed or seeking to enhance your knowledge, our workshops offer a supportive environment where you can learn, connect, and empower yourself to live your best life.

    Join us for an upcoming workshop and take proactive steps towards better health and well-being

  • At Hui No Ho'oulu, support groups offer a supportive community where you can connect with others, share tips and resources, and feel empowered to navigate life with confidence. Join our support group and discover the strength and support of our community.

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One in thirteen children have a food allergy. Nearly half of these children have experienced a severe, life-threatening reaction.

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